I love the light in the fall. It promises surrender. It gives respite from the summer heat. It intensifies some colors, most especially the blue sky. When I lived in Austin I used to start looking for that subtle change in the sun's slant by mid to late August. If I could just see that, then I knew I had almost survived another summer.

My yoga instructor was talking about fall being a time of change and unbalance. Maybe. But I see the animals in my garden working more industriously than ever, as with a definite purpose. The hummingbirds are busy with the salvia and their feeder. The other birds are everywhere, visiting my garden and poking around for things. A Common Yellowthroat graced me with his presence yesterday. Not very common looking to me.

The bees are still at it as well. And the garden. Well parts of the garden are tired. The Sun Gold tomatoes and the basil are tired. But the grasses, ah, the grasses. I need to plan for more room for grasses. You can't beat a rising or setting sun shining on and through ornamental grasses.
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