Finally, I'm seeing some butterflies. Okay, maybe one butterfly and one moth, but it's something. I think this is a Spicebush Swallowtail but it could be a Black one. I'm no expert but if you are, click on the photos for a closer look and let me know.
I never realized that the Verbena bonariensis would be such a wildlife attractant. Besides the butterflies, the bees (both bumble and honey) and the hummingbirds really like it. This is my first season for this plant and it looks like a keeper. The other big bee and hummingbird attractant in my garden is Salvia 'Black and Blue'. They like the other salvias but this is their favorite.
This time of year I do nothing but maintenance. Ensure the plants get watered and maybe a little deadheading. And maybe the occasional fertilizer (organic of course) if I remember. But it's too darn hot for any major gardening activities. I am considering buying a couple of good looking trees I saw at the nursery the other day (I like to see what's up there even if I'm not planning on buying). Am I crazy to plant a tree in this weather? You betcha. But then again, would it be happier in the ground where I could baby it or sitting at the nursery getting too much or too little water until the fall? Hmm...
Hello, I found you on Blotanical and came over to read awhile and am enjoying it very much. Chickens make me smile, too. One of the bloggers wrote about hers and she wrote about chickens playing. I wish I could remember who it was so I could give you the link. Maybe I'll come across it again sometime. She said one day out of curiosity to see what they would do, she gave one a lollipop stick. The chickens played, and played with it. Then they hid it in a corner of their run and every time she came out there one would go get it and they would run around and play chase with it again. :) About your Verbena bonariensis: did you start yours from seed or buy the plants? I love that color combo with it and what appears to be black-eyed-Susans. Now, back to reading again.
ReplyDeleteI bought the V. bonariensis as small plants from a nursery in Austin. They are really rough and tumble plants! Yes, those are black-eyed Susans next to them ('Goldsturm' rudbeckia). I've been real happy with the color combo. And with how much the hummers like the Verbena!
ReplyDeleteThat's so interesting about the chickens and lollipop stick. LOL